Effect of Progesterone-induced MicroRNA-152 on the Proliferation of Endometrial Epithelial Cells
To determine the expression of microRNA-152 induced by progesterone and its effect on the proliferation of endometrial epithelial cells (EECs). Methods Cultured EECs, Ishikawa were divided into four groups: control group (C group), 10-8mol/L estrogen treated group (E group), 10-6mol/L progesterone group (P group) and estrogen plus progesterone treated group (E&P group). The expression of mature microRNA-152 (microRNA-152-3p)of was detected by qRT-PCR. The estrogen treated cells were transfected with mimic-microRNA-152-3p. The estrogen and progesterone treated cells were transfected with inhibitor-microRNA-152-3p. Cell proliferations were detected by CCK-8 assay. The target gene of microRNA-152-3p proteins was predicted using microRNA target databases and validated by Western blot. Results qRT-PCR showed no difference between C and E groups ( P>0.05) in the expression of microRNA-152-3p. P group had higher expressions of microRNA-152-3p than C group ( P<0.05). E&P group had higher expressions of microRNA-152-3p than C group and P group. MicroRNA target protein prediction suggested that CDC14A is one of direct target proteins of microRNA-152-3p. The results of CCK-8 assay showed that mimic-microRNA-152-3p transfection blocked proliferations of estrogen treated cells and lowered expressions of CDC14A in these cells; while inhibitor-microRNA-152-3p promotes proliferations of estrogen and progesterone treated cells and increased expressions of CDC14A in these cells. Conclusion Progesterone may suppress proliferations of EECs through inducing expressions of microRNA-152-3p. CDC14A is probably one target protein of microRNA-152-3p for its action on EECs.
Keywords: Progesterone microRNA-152, Endometrial epithelial cells (EECs), CDC14A
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