Peer Review Process

Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Science Edition) applies a rigorous peer review process of dual anonymity to evaluate manuscripts for their scientific accuracy, innovativeness, and significance. The journal is committed to using the peer review process to enhance research quality and prevent the reporting of overstated results to medical workers, researchers, and the public. The meticulous editorial process often entails extensive revisions and involves exhaustive proof-reading in a bid to improve the academic rigor and accuracy of the published content.


1. Preliminary review of the manuscript

Preliminary review of all manuscripts submitted to Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Science Edition) is performed by the Editorial Board. The scope of the review includes but is not limited to preliminary review of academic integrity, ethics review, and compliance with the stated scope of the journal. If a manuscript successfully passes the preliminary review, the editors and/or the Editorial Board will select peer reviewers of the appropriate area of expertise and competence and send the manuscript under dual anonymity to two or more independent reviewers. The editor and/or the Editorial Board will also make sure that the review process is completed within the stated time frame.


2. Peer review

The peer reviewers assess the innovativeness, quality of science, and applicability of the manuscript and provide comments and suggestions on the study design, techniques and methodology, data processing, article title, presentation of the results, support for the conclusion, and references cited. The reviewers may recommend acceptance or rejection of the manuscript submitted, and they may also request further format and/or content changes.

When peer reviewers of one manuscript come to different opinions about whether the manuscript is accepted or rejected, the editor and/or the Editorial Board will send the manuscript to other independent reviewers for further peer review.


3. Final review of the manuscript

Even when reviewers have a positive and favorable view of the manuscript, the final decision of acceptance or rejection rests with the Editorial Board, which reserves the full authority to decline the publication of any material. The primary criteria for the decision to accept or reject a manuscript submitted include quality, innovativeness, and scientific significance. The decision of acceptance, or further revision required, or rejection will be made within three months after the submission of a manuscript, and a letter announcing the actual decision will be sent via E-mail to the first author and the corresponding author.

About Journal
Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Edition) is a comprehensive medical academic journal sponsored by Sichuan University, a high school directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. The purpose of this journal is to reflect the medical and health scientific research achievements of Sichuan University and domestic medical scientific research achievements and academic level, to carry out domestic and foreign academic exchanges, and to promote the development of medical and health services.
ISSN 1672-173X (Online)
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    Sichuan, 610041, People's Republic of China